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标题: Associate Professor of 管理
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波特兰州立大学,博士.D. 工业 & 组织心理学

Dr. 凯特琳·戴姆斯基获得博士学位.D. 在工业 & 组织心理学 from Portland State University. Her research interests include workplace aggression, 从工作需求中恢复, 工作与生活的平衡, occupational health psychology, and employee stress and well-being. She has published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 组织动力学, and The 工业-Organizational Psychologist, and her research has been presented at various conferences, including the Society for 工业 and 组织心理学 and Work, 压力, 和健康.

Introduction to Organizational Behavior; Introduction to 人力资源管理

Workplace mistreatment; 从工作需求中恢复; 工作与生活的平衡; occupational health psychology; employee stress and well-being; organizational interventions


Central Michigan University 10 Within 10 Award, Central Michigan University, June 2020

2020 Inspiration Award, OU 荣誉学院, March 2020

Travel Grant for Lilly Conference on Advancing Teaching and Learning, OU Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, 2019年6月

365英国上市官网 Founder's Day Recognition - Outstanding 研究, 365英国上市官网, April 2019

365英国上市官网 Founder's Day Recognition - Outstanding Teaching, 365英国上市官网, April 2019

PI Academy for 研究 and Engagement Participant, 365英国上市官网 Office of 研究, June 2017

Nominee - Outstanding 学生 Organization Adviser, Center for 学生活动 and Leadership Development, 2017年3月

Early Career Fellowship, Work and Family 研究ers Network, October 2015

研究生 研究 Fellowship, National Science Foundation, June 2012


Demsky C. A.弗里茨,C. Ellis, A. M.(2021). Better work for a better weekend: Relationships between job performance, 积极的影响, and pleasurable weekend experiences.. 职业健康科学. 24

纽约,K. M., 脱粒机,G. 萨维奇,n.n. 康,J. 哈蒙德,M. 德姆斯基,C. ,巴克莱,L. (2021). 职业生涯 Roundtable: An Exercise for 学生 Career Exploration and Future Development. Journal of Behavioral and Applied 管理. 100-112

哈蒙德,M. 墨菲,C. 德姆斯基,C. (2020). 压力 Mindset and the Work-Family Interface. International Journal of Manpower. 42(1), 31

Demsky C. A.(2019). Unpacking the Role of Power in Incivility. 工业 and 组织心理学: Perspectives on Science and Practice. 10

Demsky C. A.弗里茨,C. 锤,L. B.黑色,A. E.(2019). Workplace Incivility and Employee Sleep: The Role of Rumination and Recovery Experiences. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 24(2), 228 - 240

Demsky C. (2018). Making and Managing the Pitch: Selling I-O Psychology 研究 to Organizations. 工业 and 组织心理学: Perspectives on Science and Practice. 8

Yragui N. L.德姆斯基,C. A.锤,L. B.范戴克,S. 奈拉狄雷克,M. B.(2016). Linking workplace aggression to employee well-being and work: The moderating role of family-supportive supervisor behaviors (FSSB).. Journal Of 业务 And Psychology. 1-18

Demsky C. A.Ellis, A. M.弗里茨,C. (2014). Shrugging it off: Does psychological detachment mediate the relationship between workplace aggression and work-family conflict?. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 19195-205

弗里茨·C. Ellis, A. M.德姆斯基,C. A.林,B. C.古罗斯,F. (2013). Embracing work breaks: Recovering from stress. 组织动力学/Elsevier. 42274-280


脱粒机,G. Baltes B. Demsky C. (2022). Age and managing the work-nonwork interface. (pp. 29). 其他.

弗里茨·C. Demsky C. (2019). Nonwork time as individual resource building: A review and research agenda. (pp. 31). 爱德华·埃尔加出版社.

Demsky C. (2017). 超然. (pp. 19). 施普林格.

威尔金森,M. Demsky C. (2016). Microbreaks. (pp. 3). 圣人的出版物.

锤,. Demsky C. Kossek E. 布雷J. (2015). Work-Family intervention research. (pp. 15). 牛津在线手册.

锤,. Demsky C. (2014). Introduction to 工作与生活的平衡. (pp. 95-116). 威利.


Demsky C. (2018). Manage and survive bad behavior at work. (pp. 11). 工业管理.

Demsky C. 弗里茨·C. Relationships between Work Experiences and the Occupational Safety, Health, & Well-being of USDA Forest Service Region 3 Employees. (pp. 88). 未发表的.

School of 工商管理
